About Us

The birth of LinkDeal was deeply rooted in our own experiences navigating the vast and intricate world of HARO. As we ventured deeper into the digital domain, we sought collaboration with numerous freelancers, aiming to harness a steady flow of HARO links. However, many hesitated to engage in the meticulous and often thankless task of crafting innumerable pitches, with a majority dissipating into the void of digital communication.

Among the few who embraced this demanding venture, only a handful could truly align with the high standards set by LinkDeal, delivering results that mirrored our aspirations. It was during this journey that we forged our distinctive methodology: a carefully crafted formula optimized to secure HARO links with a fraction of the usual pitches.

Word of our success didn’t remain confined for long. Soon, friends and fellow industry professionals, intrigued by our achievements, approached us seeking guidance. As the buzz grew louder and the demand skyrocketed, it became clear that our passion had sculpted a new horizon. It was this overwhelming response from the community that culminated in the formal establishment of LinkDeal.